Sunday, 9 October 2016

The Pregnancy

Mid-year 2015, the Larry fandom was faced with a nightmare trail of events.
Let me start by saying after serious debunking and major study in the art of photoshop. I am now comfortable with the fact that this child is so fake you may as well call it Cosmopolitan Magazine.
But when this whole hullabaloo came about I was anything but okay.

In fact I missed an entire day of school because I was crying too much. Because rumours had come out about Louis getting Brianna Jungwirth pregnant.

Nothing was confirmed so I didn't immediately freak out...not entirely anyways. At a concert during this crazy rumour filled week a plastic baby was thrown on stage and Louis picked it up, looked at it and threw it off screaming "It's not real". This calmed me. Until One Direction had their interview on Good Morning America.

I recall that morning I got to school and my friends ran up to me saying "Libby, there's bad news" immediately I said "as long as Louis didn't confirm the baby it can't be that bad." they look relieved and told me that Zayn and Perrie had broken up. All was well as I went off to Volleyball and up to my classroom. Until a fellow One DIrection fan called me over to her computer.

As it turns out the interviewers brought up the rumours congratulating Louis on his child and Louis responding with "I'm buzzing". Those words killed me. I remember flipping a desk and screaming and crying and going home heartbroken.

What I didn't know at that time was that if you look at footage from that day, there are images of Louis crying backstage and his makeup team trying to cover it.

Image result for louis tomlinson good morning americaImage result for louis tomlinson crying on good morning americaImage result for louis crying gma
Over the course of the past 6 years Louis and Harry have continuously used a specific hand gesture of the thumbs up. In sign language this symbol is I love you:
Image result for louis and harry thumbs upImage result for louis and harry thumbs upImage result for louis and harry thumbs upImage result for louis and harry thumbs up secret Image result for larry stylinson thumbs up secretOf course there are many more occasions where the two have used this gesture. But what we have noticed is they use this in particularly sad situations. So at the start of this stunt when Louis was first seen with Brianna Louis was doing the thumbs up:
Image result for louis and harry thumbs up secret
And in the interview where Louis basically confirmed this rumour, Harry just happened to be doing that symbol behind his back:
  Image result for harry styles thumbs up secret gmaYou can see his arm is uncomfortably behind his back and hidden just to do this symbol. If theres nothing to hide why would you hide anything.

Now once this became 'legit' the whole thing went crazy. Brianna was drinking and partying whilst pregnant. Her bump was growing and disappearing. She was using other peoples photos claiming it was her. The entire thing was off, she was also flying to one of Louis' concerts almost 9 months pregnant. Why would you put your unborn child into a loud, potentially dangerous situation?
Image result for briana jungwirth baby fakeImage result for briana jungwirth baby fakeImage result for brianna partying whilst pregnantImage result for brianna partying whilst pregnant
Not only that but Brianna remained completely flat for the first 4 months only to spontaneously have a bump one day, not just a small one either. Something is off.

Once the baby was born, this lie was getting even harder to go through with. The first picture of Louis with the child causes the most speculation:
Image result for louis with his babyFor starters, take a look at his left arm. Why does it move suddenly??

It isn't even just a little bit off. Like it is completely unrealistic and bizarre.
Next, Louis has a very large, very significant dagger tattoo that stretches across the lower half of his left arm:

Image result for louis dagger tattoo

But in the photo, it just disappeared. Last time I checked. Tattoo's are very permanent. And it appeared both before and after this image was taken so he didn't get it removed.
Image result for louis dagger tattoo missing
This is where it should be:
Image result for louis dagger tattoo missing
Image result for louis 78 tattooLet's not forget about his 78 tattoo:

Take a real good look at where it is:
But in the one with his baby, it isn't there??
Image result for louis with his baby
You would think that for a professional team there wouldn't be any more mistakes then this. But nope. Theres more.

Louis has a beard, we know, but we also know beards do just, well, they don't just end out of nowhere.
Then there is this photo:
Image result for louis with his baby
Here is the proof that Louis' head was added in from an external image:
Image result for freddie is fake proofalso just take a look at that 78 tattoo, real as ever.

Image result for Louis with freddieThere is so much more proof of this baby being fake but I'm just going to leave this by showing you pictures of Louis with other kids vs him with his own child.
Image result for louis with kids

Image result for Louis with freddieImage result for louis with kids
Image result for louis with kidsImage result for Louis with freddie

Thought Louis loved kids and always wanted a boy. Doesn't seem to excited by the idea of having his own kid now.


  1. *minion confused noise* WHAAAAA

  2. I would just like to say, whether it is his child or not, can we at least agree that Freddie gets way to much hate. It’s not his fault. It’s not like he had a choice who his parents are or what they do or anything. He’s five for goodness sake.

  3. but tbh, why would he photoshop freddie. Its 2021, and we obviously know that he's a living human. So either Freddie was photoshopped (for reasons i cannot fathom) or he got the tattoes cut on purpose, which again i have no idea why. This is eating me up 😭😭😭
