Larry Stylinson

Larry Stylinson in itself, is a combination of Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles names. The two One Direction are suspected by millions to be in a hidden relationship. I saw hidden but quite frankly they couldn’t be more obvious. From secret glances to fake relationships to hidden song lyrics, this blog explains it all. Debunking the theories and explaining them to the world

The speculations started in 2010 almost immediately after the two met whilst auditioning for X-Factor. Few people knew that the two had met until they got put together into the band later into the competition. After that the boys were very open about having an intensely close relationship. Not afraid to share the fact that they were living together or that they fancied each other, that was until their management came in and tried to hide it all.

With ups and downs the road to now has been a rollercoaster, that is on fire, and crashing into the pits of unknown lands. Yet we are glad to support the boys, and on a journey to help them come out.

On this blog you will find every last bit of evidence needed to convince you that these two boys are together. Look at your own leisure, enjoy, and let yourself be turned. 

Image result for larry stylinsonImage result for larry stylinson

1 comment:

  1. I never doubt it in the first place I only come here when I'm a weak Larry🕺
